Chris Gerikh

My old site. I stripped it down so not much to see here! :)

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Personal Stuff

2008 Princess Cruise Vacation Sequence

Gallery Snapshots

Interactive Flash Map
Weblog: no not really a Blog

Interested in Reptiles?

As they continue to grow & I change up their habitats, media becomes outdated so see my gallery for updated photos as they grow.

If you're feeling both ambitious and interested, read my guide on how to tame an iguana.

If you are patient, view the video page.

Look at my interactive pet map for a brief education lesson on the parts of the world they are native to.

The Scaly Family

  • Pets
  • Cages & Habitat
  • I can answer some personal questions.
    • Why do you have reptiles?
      • Allergies. Not me, but Mindy (the wife). After having a cat & a dog for 15 years, I thought I would have a furry friend my entire life. That all changed when I met Mindy. I had to come to terms with not being able to have the traditional man's best friend.
    • How much did you spend on your pets?
      • I plead the 5th. If you take out the calculator and look at my photos, the dollar signs are there.
    • Will you be getting any more?
      • No.
    • Why do you have so many?
      • I like to think that we have four lizards. We really have five but Gizmo is our first and smallest of the bunch, so although he can be a handful, he's not a concern like the others.

        Lucky for us, most reptile enthusiasts live with two or three times as many animals as we do. The difference however, is that the four out of the five that we do live with, will (and hopefully) grow big & strong.
    • Are you insane?
      • They say the Rhinoceros Iguana is difficult to tame, and can inflict some serious damage, but we got Bobo as a captive bred newborn. A lot of information out there deals with taming wild caught rhinos, which - so they say - are the most difficult in the Cyclura family. With out debating nature vs. nurture, I can tell you that if Bobo's current attitude carries over to adulthood, there won't be much to worry about. Bobo is already able to recognize that I am the hand that feeds him every morning, so there is a good chance that in the end, he will eat everything except my hand.
    • Do you have a death wish?
      • That's my dad's question. You might be asking the same thing if you saw what the Cuban Iguana looks like as an adult. I do value my life & those around me. Like Bobo, if I successfully raise them, there shouldn't be a problem. Not to answer a question with another question, but how many people annually get mauled by a Pit Bull or Rottweiler in comparison to the number of injuries caused by a pet reptile? Indeed the reptile is and always will be wild no matter how tame they may become in captivity, but proper care & respect towards these animals may eliminate someone like me making the 11:00 news.
    • What's your electricity bill like?
      • I don't have one. Mindy pays for it! I guess as long it stays somewhere in between $110 and $130, I should not run in to any long arguments. Considering what I've spent on these pets, electricity is her own monetary contribution to their care.
    • What do they eat?
      • All of them are on Collard greens, Dandelion greens, and a number of other recommended dark greens with occasional strawberries & kiwi on rare weekends. They are on Iguana food pellets when the greens at the grocery store look rotten. Gizmo eats the same assortment of greens as the others but with the occasional medium-size crickets. I feed Gizmo his greens every few days. At his current age & size, he gets his crickets once a month.
    • What will you do when they get huge?
      • Mindy agreed to move out and make room! Just a joke, just a joke! Here are some of my ideas:

        I actually plan to set up a room similar to the way a daycare can partition a room to separate different age groups. Yes, aside from learning how to change diapers for a year (an experience I will never trade for the world), I got some ideas on how I can dedicate a room & set it up so that each reptile has his own private & spacious place.

        The issue with this is that most of then can and do jump. This will be even more problematic as they get bigger. How tall to make the half-wall would be a good question and may not look appealing in a room if you can't see half the room because the half-wall is too tall.
        If we have a kid (or kids) in the future, partitioning a room will not work. I'll need to keep them under lock & key inside their CagesByDesign cages (that have locks on them) in my absence.
        Another Idea
        I have my fingers crossed and hope that when Yogi gets bigger, I can introduce him to Zelda and they may be able to share one room (or 2 cage units). This would be imperative and solve virtually everything in the long run because then I have one room dedicated to two of them, a room dedicated to Bobo, and the living room/the rest of the house dedicated to Rascal. There would still be a spare bedroom for a human baby if necessary.

        Last Resort
        Buy a bigger house.

        The majority of the day, Bobo & Yogi will be confined to a room/their own cage(s) (to enforce basking and temperature), but the rest of the time, they will be allowed to roam free around the house for maybe an hour or so one at a time.

        Rascal already free roams unattended but I close him in if the others want to run about.
    • What is your morning like?
      • Let's put it this way, I'm not the one that eats breakfast in the morning. I try, but it's tough. The first 10 - 15 minutes is feeding Bobo, Rascal, & Yogi. Gizmo is on a different schedule. I feed him when I come home from work.
  • I can answer some other questions.
    • Do reptiles make great pets?
      • Only if you have a lot of time (for both care, and research) & money is not a significant factor. If you can afford $400 - $600, you can afford one(1) small to medium size reptile.
    • Should I get an Iguana?
      • Only if you are both insane and dedicated. You can't be one or the other.

Section Notes

10.16.13I'm saddened to say, that as of October 13th, 2013, Gizmo is no longer with us.

06.29.09New interactive pet map added.

06.23.09Pet content & questions updated.

01.30.09If anyone remembers this page from 2007 & 2008, I had lots of video as well. I'm working on moving them over as well as adding new clips for 2009.

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